Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Disney Videos Via iTunes

A student in our class as sent me a "snipette" as a follow-up to the factoid and discussion that iTunes is now selling Disney Videos. A news story "Disney Sells Films Through iTunes Store" tells us that "they have already sold 125,000 Disney videos and generated a million dollars in a week."

The story tells us that "Disney expects revenue of $50 million in the first year from its iTunes partnership".

Is this a trend in "strategic technology partnerships"?

Should this kind of activity be part of a Strategic Technology Plan?

Gene A. Wright


Anonymous said...

Absolute this should be a part of the technology plan. It makes a lot of sense to partner with someone that has the expertise that one may lack and have it as part of the Technology plan.

This was also kind of interesting because I just saw on TV where they are training dogs to detect pirated movie’s on DVD. There is some type of chemical in the DVDs that are reproduced and the dogs can tell. They can find them in any type of boxes, luggage or packaging. They intend to use them in the airports, customs and other places. Kind of curious if Disney might have worked in collaboration or partnership with this company (which I didn’t get the name of).


Gene A. Wright said...

to dcluka....

While iTunes IS a new distribution channel, does it not require the technology (for the video file distribution, search, security etc.) to be in-place before it can be offered as "just" a distribution channel?

I think that for ANY dsitribution channel to exist as part of a "marketing strategy" it MUST be supported with technology, if even "only" information technology. However, I fell pretty confident that iTunes needed to be "upgraded" technically before movies and tv episodes could be offered, not to mention the "technology" and product development that had to happen before the newest generation of iPods could accept and play the files. I happen to own an "old" iPod that cannot play movies or TV episodes. Guess I need to buy an upgraded product.

Gene A. Wright