Monday, October 16, 2006

GOOGLE's New Product Process

An article in Business Week gives us some insight into GOOGLE's New Product Development process.

The article "Inside GOOGLE's New Product Process" talks a bit about strategy as well as some ideas about what might be next.

What do you think?

Are they effective at developing new products? What makes it effective, or not?

What are the Lessons Learned?

Gene A. Wright

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Open Innovation and Collaborative Development

Open Innovation is getting "in the news" once again, mostly because it seems, because of "Open Source. The concept however, has been around for a while.

This McKinsey Quarterly article "Creation nets: Getting the most from Open Innovation" talks about a number of examples as well as a bit of the history. NOTE: You may need to register for a newsletter to read this article.

We can also learn a bit more about "Open Innovation" from the PDMA Blog. In fact, PDMA's Blog has a category on Open Innovation.

What do you think about "Open Innovation"?

Do you see "Open Innovation" growing in concept and usage, or rather, do you see it falling from favor because of the "security" and IP issues? Why?

Gene A. Wright

GOOGLE's Position on Making Design Simple

Forbes' article entiltled "GOOGLE's Simple Life" discusses their plans for growth in terms of products and services, however, they approach the design of their interfaces and products as "easy to use".

What do you thik of this design philosophy?

How will GOOGLE fare?

Gene A. Wright

Strategic Brand Building and Product Development

Check out this posting regarding the alliance between APPLE, MOTOROLA, DISNEY, and Cingular. (The title above is the link)

What do you think of these companies as collaborators in Product Development?

How strategic is this?

Why can this work?

Why might it not work?

Gene A. Wright