Sunday, October 15, 2006

Open Innovation and Collaborative Development

Open Innovation is getting "in the news" once again, mostly because it seems, because of "Open Source. The concept however, has been around for a while.

This McKinsey Quarterly article "Creation nets: Getting the most from Open Innovation" talks about a number of examples as well as a bit of the history. NOTE: You may need to register for a newsletter to read this article.

We can also learn a bit more about "Open Innovation" from the PDMA Blog. In fact, PDMA's Blog has a category on Open Innovation.

What do you think about "Open Innovation"?

Do you see "Open Innovation" growing in concept and usage, or rather, do you see it falling from favor because of the "security" and IP issues? Why?

Gene A. Wright

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Open innovation is becoming less & less of an alternative development model and increasingly become the mainstream adoption model for profit-oriented corporations.

My argument is that open innovation will evolve as a robust business strategy where software and services are complements. With the growth of services, software will increasingly become "freer" and companies will resort to open innovation. The primay goal will be to increase the number of potential customers/market for the innovation then use their strengths in service delivery to make money on the innovation. Larger companies like IBM, Sun, HP, are successfully leveraging open innovation as a model to generate new services business. This is because of their superior capabilities i.e. service delivery.

-Sameer Mustafa